速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stor

Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stor



檔案大小:188.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stories(圖1)-速報App

In August 2013, Kiwa Digital, in conjunction with the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages brought the KIWA SLAM™ to the Ngulu (Language) Class of Healesville High school. Under the guidance of Aunty Joy Murphy, our Wurundjeri elder, nineteen years 7, 8 & 9 students undertook an intensive two days of Dreamtime story telling, culminating in four dreamtime stories told through striking artwork and narrated in the students' own voices.

The Kiwa Digital team in NZ then took this amazing asset and put it together into the form of a KIWA Book™ that is in front of you. Swipe through and immerse yourself in these four beautifully told traditional stories, tap on the pictures to explore different elements and find out how to say them in Wurundjeri!


• Swipe-to-Read™ the words to hear and playback the story at your own pace.

• Auto Play to enjoy the narration.

Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stories(圖2)-速報App

• Use the My Narration function to read and record the story yourself and customize your book.

• Touch pictures to hear different sound effects.

• See special animation effects bringing the picture to life.

• Use the Colour Palette to paint each page!

KIWA Book™ offers a true multi-language experience and is a great tool for learning new languages for both young and old. This KIWA Book™ includes the narration, text, and user interface in these languages:

Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stories(圖3)-速報App



Contact us: support@kiwadigital.com

KIWA® is the world’s leading production house for experiential digital books. We partner with publishers and other content owners, using our patented technology to bring content to life in revolutionary new digital formats that deepen your child’s engagement and understanding.

Check out our website: www.kiwadigital.com

Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stories(圖4)-速報App

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Healesville High School - Dreamtime Stories(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad